

                                                                                                                   THE BHONSLE FAMILY The Bhonsle (or Bhonsale , Bhosale , Bhosle )  are a prominent group within the Maratha clan system . Traditionally a warrior clan,  some members served as rulers of several states in India, the most prominent being Shivaji , the founder of the Maratha Empire which opposed the rule of Mughal Empire in Indian subcontinent . His successors ruled as chhatrapatis (maharajas) from their capital at Satara , although de facto rule of the empire passed to the Peshwas , the Maratha hereditary chief ministers, during the reign of Shahu I . In addition to the Bhonsle chhatrapatis of Satara, rulers of the Bhonsle clan established themselves as junior branch of chhatrapatis at Kolhapur , and as maharajas of Nagpur in modern-day Maharashtra in the 18th century.  After the British defeat of the Marathas in the Third Anglo-Maratha War in 1818, the fou